When i died, i exploded in a funky bomb wich killed my friend and a computer tank. The problem itself seems to happen because the game doesn't load some info, such as team numbers, correctly. You may choose to opt-in to provide personal data. Has a fun competitive worldwide match system that needs more players! Rabbid Rabbit 1 point. scorched earth dosbox

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Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentations when possible.

If you enjoy Scorched Earth, you might also enjoy playing these games:. Then the computer tank died in yet another funky bomb wich killed the last tank computer on the field. Sashathana 1 point. For more information see Download Notice Please fill in the math result and click Download. However, there's some slowdown issues with explosions.

Download Scorched Earth

Did I do something wrong? List of top downloads. This is a legendary artillery game. I have Windows Download and install the game if you want to save. The rest is just for fun and trying to take out more than scordhed guy at a time Thanks for the tip! Download Scorched Earth Register Login.

View all Chatbox messages posted by mika. The year you have listed for this game is Games may take awhile to load. ArtilleryReal-TimeTurn-based.

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This is the best i have found so far. Contact Us - Archive - Top.

Download Scorched Earth | DOS Games Archive

Game will not be saved after closing your browser. When i died, i exploded in a funky bomb wich killed my friend and a computer svorched. This occurs mostly when finishing a level and going to the next, but it doesn't always happen. Find More Posts by us Man, this is a classic.

Scorched Earth

Australian Capital Territory, Australia Posts: DOSBox itself appears to remain stable. Thomas 2 points.

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Game video Download Adobe Flash Player. We saw some uses of weapons the likes of the devs never expected, and you could go online and do even more.

Download Scorched Earth - My Abandonware

Find Threads Started by mika. MobyGames Wikipedia Part of group: I don't get those big round explosions with a bright center and darker outsides as with the higher resolutions, but instead I get the much more colorful explosions!

Scorched Earth gameplay screenshot. Also, adjusting tank angles and powers takes a while if you use the arrow keys, but using the mouse instead makes things go a little quicker.

Svorched on mouse problems
